With the holidays quickly approaching, we should be prepared for celebrating and know that there may be drugs and alcohol present at parties, gatherings, etc. Substance abuse is at an all-time high in the U.S. and the holidays will only add to the madness. If you or a loved one are a recovering addict, then you should be prepared to protect yourself against any triggers or temptations that may arise. There are relapse prevention techniques to help you stay sober and there are also many activities you can do to stay busy and keep trouble away.

Sobriety During the Holidays

The first thing to do is plan ahead so that you are not caught by surprise with something you are not prepared to face. Don’t allow friends or family members to manipulate you into doing something you are not ready to do, and don’t feel guilty about your choices. Your sobriety is the first priority in your life, because without it you won’t have a life that you can call your own. Be thankful and proud for every day that you have been sober and commit to keep following your path to wellness. Keep reminding yourself about how great it feels to be alive and sober, and that you are able to build a new and better life for yourself.

Be realistic about your feelings and emotions, and realize that the holidays are an extra difficult time for some people to go through. This doesn’t mean that you should cave-in and fall apart but rather that you may be a little emotionally off and that you should do your best to stay centered and in control. The less you focus on your past hurts and pain the better off you will be. The holidays are not the time to try and resolve theses issues. Don’t allow yourself to be alone too much or in the company of toxic people – even from your own family. Also remember that you don’t owe anyone an explanation about your life, unless you want to share it with someone.

There are so many things you can do to maintain sobriety during the holidays:

1. Take that trip that you always thought about taking and visit the place that you have always wanted to see.
2. Ask a friend out to the theater and dinner. Spend time with people that you enjoy being with and who support your sobriety.
3. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, hospital, help an elderly neighbor, or baby-sit for a friend. Helping others is a good way to keep the focus off of your self and help others.
4. You can go for a walk, bicycle ride, skate, or run in the park. Physical activity will get the endorphins flowing and make you feel good mentally and physically.
5. Treat yourself to a day at the spa and enjoy a manicure, pedicure, massage or facial. Take every opportunity to pamper yourself; you are worth it.
6. Join a gym and start working out to build or tone muscle and burn off some extra pounds.
7. Learn some new recipes and start making nutritious meals for yourself. You may want to try some shakes or juicing too.
8. And by all means, go shopping if you can afford it! Treat yourself to a new outfit to go with your new life.

Remember to stay in your recovery zone and don’t venture outside of it if you are not ready to. Keep things simple and quiet for the holidays if you are in early recovery. If you do go out to a family or business gathering, be prepared with answers to give to people who might not support your sobriety. If things get too difficult for you then you should leave and go to a safe place. If you can, have a trusted friend with you to keep tabs on you so you don’t fall into temptation.

Be prepared for all types of situations so that you can handle yourself with grace and purpose, and don’t allow anyone to ruffle your feathers. Above all, stay sober and have some fun this holiday season. Drug Detox Centers Indianapolis is your ultimate recovery resource. Just give us a call today at (317) 550-1509 for information.