Relapse Prevention Programs in Indianapolis, IN – (317) 550-1509

Addiction is treatable, but it’s not curable. In other words, while it is possible for a person to get help for addiction and successfully stop drinking or using drugs, there is always a risk that they will return to their previous behaviors; however, relapse prevention programs seek to minimize this risk as much as possible, so that people can remain clean and sober.

Relapse prevention programs have become an important part of treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction, and a look at the statistics regarding relapse tells you why. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that 40 to 60 percent of people who finish an addiction treatment program successfully will relapse at least one time. Including relapse prevention programs in aftercare for addiction treatment can provide a support network to make relapse less likely and help people get help in a timely manner if they do relapse.

What Happens When Someone Relapses?

While you don’t see physical evidence that a person has relapsed until he or she starts using drugs again or begins to drink, relapse begins to happen before that point of actually resuming substance abuse.

The start of relapse is marked with an emotional phase. Here, the recovering addict or alcoholic is confronted by an intense, uncomfortable emotion like anger, loneliness, sadness or frustration.

If the emotion isn’t dealt with, it can trigger the second phase of relapse known as mental relapse. During a mental relapse, the individual thinks about drinking or using drugs. He or she may have fantasies about getting high or drunk or start formulating a plan to gain access to drugs or alcohol. The physical relapse occurs when a plan is carried out and the individual goes back to using or drinking.

While relapse is fairly common, the good news is that getting help quickly can lead to remission again. Many people find that treatment for relapse is highly beneficial in the long term because it allows them to strengthen their coping skills and strategies and gives them the chance to learn from mistakes.

What Do Relapse Prevention Programs Do?

Relapse prevention programs include support groups, therapy, counseling, classes and other programs, services, and interventions intended to help recovering addicts and alcoholics stay abstinent from substance abuse. Typically recommended as a part of an aftercare plan at the conclusion of inpatient or outpatient addiction rehab, relapse prevention programs help those in recovery.

. Become aware of risky situations and elements of their lifestyle that could tempt them to use drugs and alcohol again

. Learn how to deal with emotions properly to avoid relapse

. Find out what the signs of relapse are at each stage

. Develop a written plan to follow when the warnings signs of relapse are noticed or when a complete physical relapse occurs

. Find new pastimes, and interests that are conducive to a clean and sober lifestyle

To learn more information about drug addiction rehab and Relapse Prevention Programs or to get help for a relapse, please call Drug Detox Centers Indianapolis at (317) 550-1509.