Moral Reconation Therapy in Indianapolis, IN – (317) 550-1509
Moral Reconation Therapy is a very commonly used cognitive-behavioral therapy in drug addiction treatment. Often referred to simply as MRT, Moral Reconation Therapy was developed on the idea that drug use happens when people seek out pleasure as a replacement for feelings of discomfort or pain.
Proponents of MRT hold that in drug addicts that the desire to experience pleasure is so great that there is a willingness to risk their health, disobey laws and hurt others in order to achieve it. Studies show that MRT has the ability to address this problem and discourage drug use in addicts.
Is Moral Reconation Therapy Beneficial?
MRT has been proven to be effective in more than 75 clinical studies and has been used as therapy since 1988, allowing for a broad range of anecdotal evidence for its effectiveness as well. Specifically, research has shown that MRT:
. Gives addicts a greater purpose in life and greater self-esteem
. Helps addicts develop the ability to make decisions that are moral and ethical
. Teaches addicts how to deal with negative emotions in constructive, positive ways
. Makes addicts less likely to seek out thrills that are risky and dangerous
Features of MRT
Moral Reconation Therapy is always performed in a group setting and has been shown to be effective even when groups are very diverse. Because it does not involve reading or writing, MRT can be beneficial for individuals who have limited skills and cognitive abilities, but it has also been shown to engage and challenge those with advanced levels of education and skills.
The length of time that it takes to complete MRT varies with the process usually requiring 3 to 6 months of treatment with groups meeting once or twice every week. A facilitator administers the program, which is comprised of 16 units. It is up to the facilitator to determine when the group is ready for the next module in the MRT program.
Most people who are facing drug addiction will need to undergo detox before they are ready for MRT. Detox allows the body and brain to resume normal functioning without the influence of drugs and helps to treat physical dependence on substances. After detox has been completed under the supervision of a medical team, an individual will usually be free of withdrawal symptoms and in the best position to focus on MRT and benefit from the program.
Moral Reconation Therapy in Indianapolis
MRT is one of the interventions used as a part of holistic drug addiction treatment through Experienced professionals develop individualized treatment plans for each person who enrolls in drug rehab programs in our luxurious residential treatment centers in Indianapolis, Indiana. We provide treatment for the whole person, taking into consideration specific physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs to give those who complete rehab programs the best chances of achieving long-term success with sobriety.
To find out more about MRT and drug addiction treatment, call Drug Detox Centers Indianapolis today at (317) 550-1509.